How to make time for everything

Hello hello! This year, I’ve decided to commit to sharing a new blog post with you on the full moon + new moon of every month. So, each month when you look out the window and see the glowing moon in the night sky, and perhaps you even feel a surge of that mystical lunar energy rise up within you – head over to my blog and you will find something from me, written with the intent to nourish your mind & soul.

I’m also really enjoying creating on instagram stories at the moment. I like to share little snippets of my day to day life, but also like to reflect on a topic every week centered around spirituality, intentional living, and conscious motherhood. If you’re on instagram, I’d love to connect with you there.

Now onto the blog post!

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a girl on Instagram who, like me, is also on the road to residency in the US. She kindly complimented me on my ability to juggle many things at once. Medicine, motherhood, spirituality, writing and now, youtube too.

I was taken aback by what she said – because the areas of my life that she considers to be my success, I so often feel inadequate in. It astonished me, the differences in how I perceive myself in comparison to how someone else perceives me. And maybe the truth of who I am sits somewhere in the middle of both of these extremes. It got me thinking, that while I do tend to be quick to dismiss myself, the reality is that yes, I do juggle a lot. Yes, I do work hard to do the things that are important to me, and though I may not be able to do everything to the level of my satisfaction, and though I may feel like I’m constantly failing at a lot of things, the fact that I try is worth something. And yes, maybe I do have something of value to say on this topic.

Certain things in life, like motherhood and medicine, tend to be all encompassing. Meaning that it’s almost impossible to compartmentalize these things into little blocks of time. It takes over everything. It’s a 24/7 direction of life.

It’s hard to imagine a life beyond these things sometimes, and it’s certainly even harder to make the time and space for other in your day.

But heres the thing – we all have 24 hours in a day, and we decide how to spend it. Our time and our health is truly our greatest wealth, and it’s worthwhile to use what you have intentionally and on the things that matter most to you, otherwise you may get swept up in the flurry of a busy but unfulfilling life.

Since becoming a mother, the amount of “free time” has been cut exponentially, some days it feels like a mythical concept.

Before children, the majority of my time went to either school/work, and all that was remaining was my time. I could do with it, whatever I wished. I could  choose to be productive and build the life of my dreams or I could snuggle up in bed and watch Friends. After motherhood, all that remaining time outside of school/work goes automatically to my daughter. Like a direct deposit.

Without intentionally and purposefully carving out a little slice for yourself, you might never get it. Time is precious, and we have so little of it. The very least we can do is use what we do have.

Here are my thoughts on how to juggle it all.

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5 Things I don’t do

Cultivating and designing a worthy life is a balance of the goodness you infuse it with, along with the boundaries you place that protect your joy. I thought I would share with you some of the things I decided to stop doing, which I have found to be just as critical as the things I do do.

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Permission to create: Behind the scenes of this blog


I’ve been lightly looking into Vedic astrology these days, and I have come to see that both Venus and the Moon have a strong influence on my life. Venus is the mother of creativity, she is the force that sends sparks of inspiration to me. That’s how inspiration feels to me – little sparkles that I try to capture and write down into a long list of ideas that I want to bring to life one day. Some days these sparks seldom come, other days it feels like I am on fire. I’ve noticed a true and deep connection between my inspiration and my spiritual practice. The more consistently I maintain my spiritual practice, the more my day is filled with fireworks. I write in my blog much more when I am connected to my practices, when I am living my truest, most authentic life.

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Touched by life


Today, I spoke to all with
the warm familiarity of old friendship,

I looked at everything with the
adoring gaze of soulmates,

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How I try to live beautifully in this moment


This moment is the only moment of our life. The past is a memory, the future is our imagination. We must live deeply in this moment, live with intensity and make this moment as beautiful as it can be. When we live life with this moment-by-moment awareness, there is no doubt that everything will change for the better.

“Live in the moment” is something that we often hear, and yet sometimes, it runs the risk of being too conceptual – leaving us not really knowing how to make that happen.

But this is something that feels increasingly important to me, increasingly vital to my happiness.

You see, how you do anything is how you do everything. How you live in this moment is how you live your life. We have to make it the absolute best it can be.

We cannot know what will happen tomorrow, we cannot even know for sure what will happen in the next moment. We can make plans, but we can never know for sure. I have come to realize that the only way to live happily and in the best way, is to make the best of this moment – because that will put you in the best position for the next moment. Life is connected that way.

But I needed a real way to experience it. I needed real guidelines that I could follow to increase my awareness, mindfulness and perception in my day-to-day life.

So, I keep three things in mind, before beginning any new task during my day – and I would like to share them with you today.

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A life well lived: How to nourish your mind, body & soul every day


I have really been indulging in my blog for the last few weeks, but today I have a short and sweet post for you.

Every day I try to nourish myself so that I may grow into a happier person and live a beautiful and blessed life. It is a daily practice because a life well lived, a charmed life, is created one day at a time.

Writing this post has reminded me how simple it is to nourish and nurture yourself every day.

I ask myself these questions:

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Deeper Connection


While studying for my exams, it took every ounce of strength to NOT write a blog post. I was so inspired with different ideas to share with you. Now that I’m free, I have “writers block.” Really, brain? Seriously? Is this how you are going to be?

Nevertheless, I am powering through, inspired by conversations I had yesterday.

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My 2016 goals

Happy December 1st! Ah, the first of every month does bring a fresh energy to me. Especially now as we edge closer to the new year.

It’s difficult to imagine life after May. Life after I graduate. Life after I move back to Canada. It is a significant life change, a new chapter of my life, and I wonder what new desires it may stir up in my heart, or old plans it may put to rest. But I am open, I am open to life. I am open to changing my mind and changing my heart about things.

So I write this list more like a list of possibilities that might evolve into something different. Let’s see. Let’s see what life has in store.


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8 Things that have made me a happier person


Hi friends 🙂

Lately I have noticed that I experience a new kind of happiness in my life. With some contemplation I have put together a list of a few things that I believe have helped create this happiness. I would love to hear from you. What makes you a happier person?

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Reflections and lessons learned in life: What I know to be true.


Over the last few years I have been compiling a  list of lessons I am learning and realizations I am experiencing in a beloved notebook of mine.  I often reflect and read over them myself.

I wrote a post similar to this when I was 21 in the post 40 life lessons on growing up. In just the few years that have passed, so much has evolved. I feel a deeper relationship with life and myself than I ever have before. It’s nice to look at the lessons I knew to be true at 21, and look at what I believe to be true now, at 25. In my heart I hold so much gratitude for these 25 years of life. 

So, here it is; a collection of what I know to be true. It is a long list, so make yourself a delicious hot drink, sit back, and enjoy.




Your spiritual awakening is a private and personal experience. You can listen to others about their experiences, but ultimately, you must have your own.

Joy is more important than pleasure. And you should learn the difference.

The highest form of yoga is meditation.

Never call another person ugly. Even as a “joke”.

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