How to use the Law of Attraction – a daily meditation/visualization practice for you

Following on from my last blog post (apologies for the clickbaity build up – but if I had put everything in one post it would have been much too long!), today I’d like to share with you how I personally implement The Secret/ Law of Attraction in my life. I’ll also share with you the specific steps to a meditation/visualization that I do that helps me engage in the creation process of life.

Firstly, here are some small tweaks I have now made in how I practice the law of attraction now: 

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Does The Secret (The Law of Attraction) really work?


I was first introduced to the world of self-development and personal growth when I was 16 years old. One of our family friends, who is like an older sister to me, gave me the book “The Secret” and told me to read it. I kept asking her what it was about, but she told me I would have to find out for myself.

And so I soaked in every page of that book into my mind and it showed me a different way of looking at life.

I have always been inclined to the mystical aspects of life, even as a young girl. I’ve always been a seeker, always philosophical, always a writer, but always unfocused.

I read “The Secret” and I knew I had the key to another dimension of life that I had never accessed before. The law of attraction – wow, is that for real?

Manifesting cups of coffee

And yes, it was very real! And I spent the next couple of years experimenting with it and manifesting free cups of coffee (what else is a 16 year old me to manifest?)

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