A family reunion of the heart

Shortly after I gave birth to my stillborn daughter Mia, my husband and I were given the difficult task of picking a place to scatter her ashes. And though this task was both tragic and morbid, we somehow found ourselves embracing it for what it was. We knew that this would be one of the only things we get to do for our daughter as her parents. All our other parental responsibilities that we so longingly dreamed about, were stolen from us. 

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Mother’s Day



in your 6 months of life you changed everything

you made a girl into a mother

a man into a father,

you turned two into three,

you showed me life,

you showed me death,

you are as close to me as you are far

with only one infuriating inch of space that separates us

and even though I am a mother who has to understand 

that your journey in this life was a short one,

I can’t help but wish that you were in my life

instead of all around it. 

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A home away from home

A few years ago, I used to share photographs each month of the life that has happened in that time. Somewhere along the line, I decided to stop sharing so many personal things about me.

But lately, I have had a change of heart. The stories of my life is the unique path I take to my own liberation. My own journey to bliss. And for me, that is something worth sharing.

Any one can read a text book on spirituality. In fact, there are blogs out there that serve as much better and more reliable sources of spiritual knowledge, than my writings. And if that was what people wanted to read, they would undoubtedly find them instead. So I don’t think that’s why you read my blog. And quite honestly, that isn’t why I write my blog, either.

Anyway, I digress.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on being more open with you. And that is something I still wish to do. So, Today, I share with you all the life that has happened since I went back to my parents home in BC for the last 10 days.

There is something wrong with my SLR ( 🙁 ), so these photographs were taken with my cell phone.


Leaving Toronto. 6am flight.

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